Bissa language

Spoken in Burkina, Ghana
Ethnicity Bissa people
Native speakers 600,000  (date missing)
Language family
Niger–Congo ?
  • Mande
    • Eastern
      • Bisa–Busa
        • Bissa
Language codes
ISO 639-3 bib
Majority areas of northern dialects of Bissa, in dark blue, on a map of Burkina Faso.

Bissa (Bisa) is a Mande language spoken by the Bissa people of Burkina Faso, Ghana, and (marginally) Togo. Dialects are Barka, Lebir, Lere.

Comparison of Barka and Lere

Phrase Lere Barka
Good morning Domireh ki Idomleki
come bur iahh
water pi hi
food forbile hobile

Phrases (Lere)